So. Within the harbour scenario. Came off the anchorage to face south, under topsails jib and spanker. Tacked to the north gaining 4 lengths to windward, pivoting under sternway in under a ship length and gaining a course to the north with a net gain of roughly one length to windward. (Speed around 4 kts on entry). Wind on the beam.
When at 4 kts to the north, again tacked this time under reefed topsail, lost way after the turn backed the fore topsail, but continued after reversing rudder getting around to the south within around 1.5 lengths - lost more room 'gathering' under stronger leeway, but the net loss around one length, and the recovery to the beam wind had the ship pointed to the upwind side harbour exit.
I'd describe this as comfortable tacking under light sail in "Fresh Breeze (Royals etc), though not nearly as sharp as under more sail and with more way on.
Trim on a beam wind or higher can be performed with reef on the mizzen and by trimming, easing and hauling the spanker and jib, with the rudder able to be kept neutral or a point or two to favour gathering way, or staying up on the wind. This gives a minimal leeway and less trim drag when accelerating.