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First, the problem of your game restarting sounds like it could be a computer issue. I would try moving your game to a new location or reinstalling it, but before you do that, read the next line. 

Second if you're looking for something to do, have you tried the 4.1 build? It's free on their patreon page in the posts and updates section, no account required. 

Third, it is possible to do the bartender but only after you've exhausted the additional quests involving the mom (it involves werewolves). 

Fourth I feel you on the orderboard dilemma, I've tried asking the team on here before for help with that and have been met with crickets, so I've taken matters into my own hands. Google: dnSpy and how to use it. CAUTION! I would advise learning a bit about coding in c# if you want to go this road.

Finally, I can't stress enough how much more the team has packed into the game in the 4.1 edition. You'll find a lot of what you're looking for on there. Also, Google breeding farm debug codes. That could add some extra to your games. Good luck.

Does this free 4.1 have for android?

it does. look under the "about us" section and you'll find it after you expand the section.

Thank you very much

Hey so I am trying to do this with dnspy and am finding learning it difficult. Would you mind giving me some pointers?

sorry for the late reply. My suggestion is to start learning the programming software c# (pronounced c-sharp). BF is developed using Unity engine and Unity uses c# for its coding. DNspy lets you view the c# code for the game and edit some of it. Once you know some of c# works, you can dig around in the files and know what to manipulate. You won't be able to do anything too big with it, but it can be insightful.