Hello! I played this earlier today (I hacked it a little to play it with friends--basically we just took turns rolling to destroy and discussed what each word's destruction meant together), and I (we) had a lot of fun! I'll be playing it again soon!
I did want to comment on a bit of mathematical weirdness I encountered as well as our work-around. Since you write words equaling up to the first roll of 3d6, then you roll 3d6 to select which word you destroy, you end up with 2 invincible words, since you can never roll less than a 3 on 3d6. As the game went on, my friends and I would rearrange our words and then use fewer dice so lower rolls were possible and those words became vulnerable. I thought this could be useful info for anyone else who was interested in this game!
Thanks for making such a cool, unique concept of a game! I had a lot of fun with it. If you're ever interested in expanding it (or if anyone else is ever interested in trying it out with a group), here are some other hacks I used today:
- At the beginning of the game, we rolled a d6 to decide if each turn was a 1/day, 2/week, 3/month, 4/year, 5/decade, or 6/century, to determine how quickly our world would be destroyed.
- We went around in a circle, each taking turns rolling to destroy a word. If we rolled an empty space, then our day/week/month/etc would pass without any major shakeup to the status quo, and we would let the turn player develop a subplot for their turn.
- After a while, we rearranged the list (we played in a shared Google Sheets page) and used fewer/smaller dice, so we went from 3d6 to 2 to 1 to 1d4 and eventually a coin. We would change to fewer/smaller dice when we as players decided it fit the narrative pace we wanted.
The end result was the destruction of our factionalized, cartoony, and verdant planet (plus a few other adjectives) by pincer-aliens over 23 years. Our last word was "crazy" as society collapsed, there was chaos for a couple of years, and then all was quiet. It was awesome :)