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Hello Anon

I saw a lot of my situation in your words. Depression, heavy sleeping problem, antidepressants, and strange heart activities on the ECG. I have a heart insufficiency, so these latest news really got me bothered, and the depression seemed to come back again heavily. But the doctors said it might be just okay and no problem, but it should be checked further. Some Antidepressants seem to have a little influence on the heart rythm. If necessary, speak to your psychiatrist if the medication can be changed.

And in terms of depressions, hang in there Anon. You are very strong. The symptoms can still occure once in a while. The antidepressants will help to stabilise the situation, but you will have to endure some downphases showing up again. It doesn't mean it's getting worse. I know how it feels.... but you will be fine one day. I know it! Don't give up the fight, and one day you will be looking back at where you came from, and be proud of what you have accomplished. You can already be proud of yourself <3 even if it doesn't feel like this for you, you are strong! And I send you the best wishes.