I am enjoying it a lot, this assassin dagger is op if you get at the start and it's only uncommon but should be rare at least, you can start one shoting smaller guys then bigger ones, plus having 4 energy (energy token in corner) was perfect, started farming summons also lol . One major thing I don't like is not being able to save or continue an old run, we all can't just play straight though, the other thing I hate is some of the curses taking up slots, not do they only have huge draw backs, taking up space but basically forcing you to discard the item if you have no space , I think you should have the curses disable the items until you can get rid of the curse instead.
Also just found an interesting combination and possible bug with the philosopher stone and cauldron, Thought I needed a log to make herbs for repeating refresh but if you click the stone, it automatically refreshed without consuming an item as long as it was above the cauldron. Don't know if that was intended or represents the true power of alchemy (FMA).
Update now I have a scimitar that gets +1 dmg when a consumable is destroyed next to it and 2 stones for potion recycling and buffing the sword nearly infinite as long as I don't get a poison potion. (Alternatively Scimitar+P.stone+log works too)
Update 2, scimitar has the same bug, just clicking P.stone next to it give +1 dmg without consuming anything. lol