Thank you! Yeah, the ship movement is a leftover from an idea I originally had. At first, I was going to have the ship moving forward in a style similar to StarFox, but I ran into issues with enemy collisions that made it feel kind of janky.
Given time, I'm sure I could have polished it, but I realized the problem was a little bit out of scope for the time limit. I scrapped the idea and now the ship can zoom around the screen for no good reason! I was wondering if someone was going to pick up on that, haha.
As for the music settings: I include those audio sliders in every game I make now. You ever notice how so many games today have a gamma slider right at the beginning, but they never have an audio slider?
Ever notice how this generally causes a new game to BLOW YOUR EARDRUMS OUT on the opening cinematic?
I have had that happen to me too many times, and I have decreed that this shall never happen with a technitaur software game!