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This review just made my whole day, you have no idea. I'll probably come revisit it every time I need a motivation boost LOL So thank you so much for all the thought you put into this!!! It really really means so much, and I LOVE reading about your different thoughts and reactions to the various aspects of the game!! Particularly because I was pretty nervous about this arc, tbh. If your only gripe was that some of the music felt mismatched, then I couldn't be more happy hahahaha.

Yeah I have basically 0 money to spend on actually hiring or buying any sort of assets for this game, so anything I can't do myself (music, sound effects, etc.), I need to find via royalty-free options. For the most part this is usually fine and I actually am in love with the music I've found for this game (and it's even inspired me a lot and various aspects of the story, to boot), but there have been times where I haven't quite been able to find what I was looking for for a particular scene or aspect. I had a bit of a different idea for the Arc 2 ending cinematic at first but wasn't able to find the music I would have needed to make it work, so then I kind of had to re-brainstorm and re-work it. I'm still happy with how it turned out in the end, but I realize it does make a slight shift. For Gidget's song, I admit I used it less for the sound and more because the lyrics are creepy and perfectly match the situation LOL But this is great feedback in general! I'll try to maybe put a bit more thought into some of the selections. I have some good new stuff I've already found for Arc 3 that's already been a huge inspiration in figuring out some of the last story beats and that I hope will really be able to set the mood!!

Thank you so much again for all of these lovely words!! Though now I hope I'll be able to live up to your expectations for Arc 3 LOL I-it will admittedly be the most fUcKeD uP of the middle arcs and goes in some directions that will probably make people mad HAHAHAha... But I'm always unsure/nervous about whether I'll be able to recreate in game form what I have in my head with the same impact lol.