Hello! I have never done a bug report before, so I'm sorry if this is not actually a bug :)
I downloaded and played the game tonight and found that I can put a bunch of very heavy stuff into a basket, then pick up said basket (holding right-click) and run around with it at normal speed even though the contents of the basket weigh far more than my character can carry. I made use of it by creating a whole camp, chucking it into the basket, and then sprinting around the map with the basket in front of my face, haha. But it may be a little immersion breaking!
it's a magic basket like Merlins bag! Honestly, it's an exploit I'm aware of that is a consequence of not dealing with how the storage mechanics and "moving stuff" mechanics affect each other. I may add weight to the basket, so the stuff in it affects your carry weight while moving it. If it's too heavy you wouldn't be able to move, but you could still move the basket around your immediate vicinity. It would still be exploitable like moving heavy things in The Long Dark by "leap frogging", which is inconvenient enough that I don't consider it an unreasonable exploit. It's kind of like slowly pulling something inch by inch that is too heavy to carry. In the mean time, enjoy being able to haul tons of crap across the map with ease! You can't attack or pick up other items while holding the basket, which also obstructs your view, so there is a little drawback. What do you think would be a good way to improve the mechanic?
Thanks for playing and giving feedback.