I'm not sure what you mean by driving the stern away from the wind. Surely when you start off in eye of the wind, then whichever way the stern turns, port or starboard, it's into the wind?
This is the behaviour I see now. If I start off in the eye of the wind, and set just the mizzen topsail and topgallant, braced up on the port side, then as expected this pushes the stern over to port (so the head of the ship turns to starboard). However if, after the ship has gathered some sternway, I then brace the mizzen sails up on the starboard side, the stern continues going slowly to port, rather than coming around the other way.
What's happening in this second part is that there are two forces fighting against each other. The hull going backwards has some angle of attack on it, so the lift force is generating torque making it want the stern want to turn even further to port; while the sail is trying to push it the other way. I think the hydrodynamic torque is way too strong now, because the lift force is acting too far aft. Essentially it's the same issue as the "griping" control, but when going backwards. Effectively the backwards griping is set at 20. A quick test shows the sails having more effect if I set this to 10, but I'm not sure what the correct behaviour is.