"Hey, It's fine. You still sound lovely! May I join?"
"Of course! ^w^"
".. Jess, I think your dress is an itty bit too, small- - </-"
He rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed.
"I'll be fine! Come on, Let's do this!~"
"Heh, alright alright!.. So, what song do you want to do?"
"A really, HARD, song!~"
".. hmmm.. Oh! Do you remember the phibby incident?..You know, Finn and jake. First song!... I don't know, It just seems like a good song to me!
"Heh! God I can't wait, It's been forever since I've sung that one. I really hope the notes that would hurt me don't mess me up. ;w;"