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This is, hands down, one of the best VNs I've read in the past few years. The story was strong and appealing. I liked how the story was written, and how the dedication to the plot shines through. (Also, I know some people have it hard in writing stories and I apologize, but this story was so well-written with expertise and grammar mastery that I couldn't help jumping with joy as I read along the lines.) The characters were very likeable, and have good character developments (albeit one for the worst 🥲). To be honest, Cooper grew on me (and yes, I refuse to call him Lance lol). I don't know if everyone who read it experienced the same, all the more not expecting y'all to hope the same, but I kinda want a redemption arc. Cyrus doesn't need to get back with him (not that they were a thing [not to promote cheating on Damion. Don't cheat guys.]), but at least let him redeem himself or make it up to Cyrus in some way. Deep down, I believe Cooper's in the same boat of loneliness, and what he keeps doing to people like Cyrus was something he got used to in order to obtain money in hopes to quench his search for happiness (ultimately, using that happiness as an escape from the experiences that hurt him in the past), which is bad in itself. But, yeah we all have our opinions. To each their own! Going baaaaaack; lastly, the CGs. Oh my gosh, the CGs were amazing. The sprites? All the more so. I also appreciate the GIFs. Can't say I've read a visual novel with GIFs, but I'll gladly welcome more. It increases the immersiveness (and makes it all the more heartwarming UwU).

Good job, Author Jericho, Alusiren, Azzy-Lionblood and the rest of the team! Y'all are amazing! Keep doing your best! You certainly have my support, but not in terms of monetary value, sadly. 

*cries in student allowance*

Looking forward to more! Thank you! 💖

P.S. Gauge my interest in Cooper after everything that happened? 
