Hey! Your pixel art looks great. I can offer you help as I am a programmer (for more than 12 years). If you want to make your game in unity or godot, message me at discord or twitter. My work style is this: Get a "playable" game blocked out in the first 24 hours, then start to build upon that. When I say a playable game, I mean: a start menu, an end screen that gets you back to the start menu, at least one level and a minimal gameplay like shooting as many things as possible in 1 minute or collecting all coins in the level or getting to the exit, depending on the type of game. So I can help you build a game with clean code and an early first version, that should already be fun to play (even if it might miss the sound and sophisticated backgrounds, etc.)
Contact me on https://twitter.com/Rubikow or Discord (Rubikow#0098)