Hello Again, i'm back again.
First your question.
>For the bandit ambush, are you using the mouse or keyboard to make your selection?
I don't remember how it was when i was as a "Fool", but in my 2nd gameplay, as an "Experiment", this happened again and i tried both, first on keyboard and then on mouse, but both failed.
I think i f*cked my first gameplay by killing an important NPC, It kinda suck how you can't advance the quests if you kill them, still, thanks to that i created a new start and here is my report.
1- My load was properly deleted after i died at hunter difficulty this time. Tested this many times with the "Experiment" character and it always worked like expected, so i'm not sure why i kept reviving before, it could be because i choose "Fool" as char, or because it was my mistake and i actually took an easy difficult and misunderstood that.
2 - Something i noted was that now the characters don't have the prisoner inhibitor anymore, not sure if it was on purpose or if it's a bug so i'm reporting it.
3 - Problems with some skills
- Gore skill trigger some Exception
- Summon Stritter trigger another Exception
- Heal skill does nothing, it doesn't consume MP, it doesn't heal, it also doesn't trigger any exception.
4 - The "Return" skill is missing at the bedroom at your house
5-These gray tiles are actually building, like a village or ruins, they usually turn like this after i enter and leave them, but not all buildings turn grey, so i'm not sure the cause.
6 - Random quest ! mark, i also checked to see if there were something there, but just water from the ocean.

That's it for now, Thanks m8