Ok, so I used one of my apps to open it in the app and not extract, I can see the contents of the file but when I go to extract it not everything gets extracted only the audio file. Can you tell me what you use to extract .rar files? I had used winzip but my free trial ended and now I am stuck using free apps that apparently do not work.
I use winRAR : https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&Version=64bit&L=0
you can download it and use it free (even if it offers you to buy it every time you open it)
right click on the RAR file => extract to Lolitagonewild...
Ok thank you, I've gotten it now. Quick question, there's hints for the CGs but there is no hint on the trophies that I have seen. Is there any list or hint in game to help you get the trophies? I've only gotten 3 so far and have completed almost all the CGs
EDIT: Nvm I saw the last image, are all the trophies available in cg130? I wanna try to get as many as possible.