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Any tips for new people?

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well, kinda, number 1 tip is try to be able to beat the original celeste classic, which you can find by just searching up celeste classic in search, its a much easier game and better for newer players to get used to the mechanics. some of the levels are kinda hard to beat, so i also recommend finding a video guide on the game or watching professional speedruns and seeing how they do things. this isnt really an easy game so even if you know what ya gotta do, it still takes some practice to be able to do efficiently. if you want to know some quick speedrun mechanics however, cause gemskip does require some speedrun tricks to do, you can wall jump off of spikes if you time it correctly. another thing thats possible is that if you space it correctly you can briefly, but i mean barely, get your dash back and walk on the top of spikes, however the window on where you have to land is extremely tight in most cases, and mostly this trick is only used in specfic secetions of gemskip. but yeah, those are my tips for a beginner. if you join the celeste classic discord (which you can find by literally typing celeste classic discord in google), there are people who are better then me to give much advice if you're interested tho.

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Thanks for your advise stranger I'll take it to heart :D 

Edit: I finished my first run thank you

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nice, the game is really hard so seriously, congrats, so the next 2 things you should do is try to beat the game on normal but getting all 12 strawberry's (result is cool, trust me and isnt much harder then beating it normal, other then like 2 strawberry being semihard to get), then  the next you should do is the pain in misery that is gemskip. ima just say how to commence it, you have to beat the first level without getting the gem from the chest to commence gemskip, also if you do it correctly the little gem in the top right by the timer will be green instead of the redish pink it is on neutral. gotta warn ya tho, gemskip is really hard so i recommend you pratice normal a few more times before jumping straight into the pain and misery that is gemskip. also, do 

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I did it :D 12/12 berries the secret place was really cool. Now it's time to suffer in gemskip B)

congrats <3 if you're planning on attempting gemskip i'd highly recommend checking out the community glossary, it'll be a huge help

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congrats, but yeah 100% go to that website lol, im reading it over rn and it seems very indepth, however even with this info gemskip is a pain, and even knowing what do to do its extremely hard, i've beaten it once, but im barely able to beat 1300m without spending more time then i would like to admit

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Finally did it

After so long

No regrets :D

(changed account btw)


wall jump off of spikes doesnt work like that, first you must gain an odd parity by walking into a left border or a left wall, then you can jump off of left facing spikes/spikes on a right wall, hope this clears it up for you!

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What you called an 'odd parity' is actually called 'gaining subpixels'. Just wanted to clarify