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Hi and thank you for playing!
Were you playing on the same browser/device? I save the data locally to the browser so cleaning localstorage or switching browser/machine will not view the data stored.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think i figured out the problem. When I was playing this game for the first time, I wasn't logged in, so it didnt matter if I saved or not. It's ok though, this stuff happens.

I also have another question, I know this game is a sort of demo, but will there be more Girls and achievemnts? Maybe also some player upgrades?

(Not trying to push you to work on this, just giving out some suggestions)

I'm glad you solved the issue!

About updates for the game, I'm releasing an update tomorrow. It will not include new girls but I'm currently working on a new feature that will include new nsfw art and trophies!

I started developing this game in January and my plan is to release an update every month (or more, like I'm doing now).
I have many ideas to expand the game and if everything goes well I'll also employ new artists to help with new girls and images!