Love the game so far!
The only frustrating thing (to the point I quitted) - the game is extremely slow. As soon as Player got the drops necessary to craft something, monsters become rather nuisance, especially as killing them needs 5 or more attacks, which in turn need to wait until mana regenerates… And then you die, and you go through all the long narrow path where there is little place to avoid monsters, and again, and again, each time taking a great amount of time to reach the previous point, advance a few steps further and die again.
Maybe checkpoints could fix the issue? Or just make shortcuts (like that shortcut with pushable block which unlocks with the new spell?). Also maybe make attacks execute faster, reduce monsters HP, etc. to speed the things up and make fighting one monster not half a minute (it’s ok at start, but quickly gets boring) but a few seconds, especially if sacrificing health.
Also I’ve noticed a few pathfinding bugs. Sometimes the monsters just stand in one spot and don’t move. Or can’t get closer to the Player as if the tiles nearby cannot be stepped on.