Looks nice! Unfortunately I couldn’t make it further than the fourth enemy - it’s really hard to jump and attack precisely in near complete darkness. It was also pretty confusing what the player should do after the first wall (the one you can pass by switching dimensions) - I tried jumping, hoping to land on something on the other side, but kept falling down and dying. The mechanic of only being capable to hold one item is an interesting one, but in the current implementation it means you’ll have to return to the same place over and over again to switch items, which doesn’t seem that good (maybe I misunderstood the mechanic, or maybe there’s something that fixes that later in the game?). Also found a bug: if you switch back to first dimension while inside the wall, you can get stuck under the floor (see the screenshot).
Anyways, a decent game, it’s evident a lot of work was put into it, good job!