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(3 edits) (+1)

Amazing work! Similar concept to my game so I can really appreciate it in all aspects. There is quite a variety in the number of enemies and their behaviors. They also have distinct colors to be recognized from the environment, except for the vines - they sort of blended in the background at times. Speaking of vines, they move perfectly on the beats, that's very impressive. I also appreciate the music proc gen, it is not bad at all, which is already an achievement. The building of the world could use some work as now it is a bit spare and arbitrary in some area. For example, there are a lot of signs telling players which direction to go, which you could get rid of with a better level design. 

I think I see a lot of movement problems in your game that I have experienced in my game, such as the enemies damaging more than once in one contact. This could be fixed by having a timer, such that I got damaged by enemy A and will be immune to A for the next 0.1 sec or so. The wall jump should push you backwards a little bit, and I think now whenever you touch the wall, the jump counter resets right? Because I can wall jump very high, which I don't think is intended. I also got confused when sometimes losing health without knowing the reason, is that because I jump not on the beat or because I touch an invisible enemy (or that the enemy hit box is too big)? The character flies of after dead, which can be due to multiple reasons but I think it could be quickly fixed. 

Overall, I really dig the concept, and really wished other enemies also reacted on the beat. Great work, hope you tune the movements and keep updating the game post-jam!

Edit: I read the comment and you said that the box collider appears first and the animation comes after. Perfect, I used to have this problem too! Just animate the box collider as well, everything would be fixed.


Wow thank you so much for the great feedback! Will check out your game in a bit. About the immunity, there is a bit of immunity I think, or at least what I thought I programmed, since the player goes transparent for a bit, but I think something got lost and didn't end up working as intended, but I completely get what you mean.

As for the wall jump, you are spot on. It's just whenever the player collides with the wall, not necessarily the bottom of the player colliding with the wall. This can be fixed with an additional collider for the bottom of the player, or some sort of raycast, and was an issue I was aware of when I submitted the game haha. Decided to let it slide because there were more important things to fix at the time.

Really appreciate the kind words! I don't really intend on working on this anymore, because it's way too deep in design flaws and bad coding implementation that I might be better off starting over, but with a similar concept, which is something I intend to do eventually, perhaps for another game jam :P

Also yeah, you do lose health for not jumping on beat. I should make that feedback more clear to the player XD game feels a bit like it's cheating you with all the weird animations and music.