I liked the ideas behind each story, but alas, execution is an example of "Broken Aesop".
1.Let go. The whole situation seems too artificial. It looks like story about hopeless battle against sadistic God rather than story about "Letting go". Besides there is no rational reason given why the boyfriend must die. I mean you could give him some kind of hidden illness that is unknown for him.
2.If in Your Dreams; the Flood. This time situation is more belivable, yet it seems irrelevant to theme "Face and accept your future". Not enough background info about the heroine is given to make conclusion that the flood is visualisation of her worries about the future. Besides, why would she worry about her future? It doesn't seem like there is something wrong with her, or her family, etc.
3.Beyond Yesterday's Grasp. It's both artificial and irrelevant. Besides I have no idea why would you insert a transgender into this story, her mental issues are completely irrelevant for the theme.