She started rubbing it, at the top.
It felt warm to touch, just a little bit of, well.. pre coming out of the tip as she rubbed,
"W-Wait, what if the g-gems com-..?~"
"Don't worry about it, steven~"
She licked the bit of pre-cum, that came out.
"..F-Fine, but if they come back y-your explaining..~"
His hand slowly placed itself ontop of her head, his dick throbbing from the pleasure and attention it was getting.
She smiled, still rubbing his dick.
"..G-God when-how are you so good..~?!"
"How did you get so big?~"
"..Perks of being a gem I s-suppose-god please don't, s-stop..~"
She was kissing, and licking the side of his dick.
Over time, it was merely a few extra moments before Steven gripped onto the bed, cum shooting out of his dick and landing on connies tongue, cheek, and well.. behind her. TvT