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(6 edits)

Ahhh, I see why it crashes. I changed XJ to XH at the last minute, but it's still looking for the XJ folder.

I've actually reconsidered some things, and I think I'm going to just remove XH entirely for now. It might come back, it might not. I'm already stealing enough from Droptiz Deluxe and XH takes things a little too far when it comes to outright copying things without permission. I'm gonna see if I can get in touch with NowThatsStrategy, but until then I think I'll just take it out.

...Wait, pink? Is my colorblindness playing tricks on me again?
(And are you here from the jam, or did you just find this by chance?)

I came from the Strawberry Jam 6

I thought the colour was intentional since it matches the colour scheme used by the jam page.

Which colours were you intending it to be?

(1 edit)

The names are "beige" and "bisque" in the engine for the mid-zone ones, and "white" and "whitesmoke" for the title screen ones.