That was honestly so helpful. Thank you xD It realized it's actually not too difficult as long as you focus on intelligence/combat and the stats associated with the love interest you're pursuing. It was also really helpful to learn that the missions and alchemy items really aren't that important and you can, for the most part, ignore them. It's pretty cool in my opinion that this game kind of requires a lot of poking around and experimenting with what works or doesn't work, because it really gets you into the story and makes forward progress so much more rewarding.
No problem! Glad you enjoyed it :D
Yes, missions are designed in a way that you can ignore them, but targetting the specific ones (especially in the final release) that relate to your romance pursue will make the MC's life a lot easier (literally)! xD Of course, there will be still lots of experimenting, but there are always some general thumb rules that get easier to figure out as time goes on :D