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(2 edits)

Ah ha, I see what the  problem is.  For some reason all the dots (.) in my version have been replaced with commas (,) in yours, so for example I have "49.16" whereas you have "49,16".  The SVG parser uses commas to separate the different values from each other and dots to represent decimal numbers.  So when it encounters the extra commas it thinks it's a new number not a decimal value.

This might be something to do with regional number representations.  I know in some countries decimals are written 12.34 and in others 12,34 so I think that's what's happening here.  I'll have to rewrite some code to force decimal numbers to be written with a dot rather than a comma, but at least I know what the problem is now and should be able to get it fixed for you.

Thanks for posting those values above, that has revealed what the problem is for sure.