Thank you Eunoia. We agree that ATC (A Thousand Cuts) is a compelling and important game to experience.
Our hope is that by engaging people - especially at a young age - about these issues that it will help to change their mindset. If young people grow up with unhealthy beliefs and attitudes it is more likely that they will behave in, or be willing to accept, unhealthy behaviors. When they get older, their children are more likely to grow up learning the same unhealthy lessons -- and the cycle of abuse will continue.
ATC is one of three "culture" games we have published to-date; we have several more that are not ready to publish yet. These culture games all examine the role and impact of culture on young people.
We are creating a Patreon account to allow people to help fund our work so that we can continue working on these games. Culture Overlord, Sea of Roses, and ATC will all be updated when we have the resources to do so. We will also be able to publish the other culture games when we have the funding.
We will be sure and share your kind words with Elizabeth Ballou, the developer and writer of ATC.
Thank you again for taking the time to write about our games. These messages help us know what players want. They also encourage us to keep working!