This week, I worked on the "Platypus Town", it is the HUB where you can find the doors to travel around the world and I also worked on water's "shaders" and physic :)
About the water:
To code the water's "shaders", I re-used the wave's algorithm and adjust it to the effect. I had the "choice" between two effects :
I finally choosed the first one and also made the wave smoother (soft change but it's important)
As you can see, I also worked on the physic in water. That wasn't really complex (except when the character is on the wave but I used again the wave algorithm).
I'm really happy of this effect to be honest :D
About the HUB:
So, you first have to know that when you kill a monster, you win stones.
The "Platypus Town" has been destroyed by the Golem (this is the bad guy of the game) and here's where the stones become importants cause when you give stones to the town, it help it to be build again :)
Actually, the player will have to help the town cause it's the only way to open the doors to progress in the game.
I hope you enjoyed the devlog :)
Next wednesday I go to china for 30 days so it won't be possible to work on the game (and to touch a computer) and I'm sorry for this but I will continue in november :)
To be forgiven of this, I will post a little compilation of every bugs I had when I was working on the water's shaders ;D