Is it... over? I killed the final boss (offscreen) and nothing seemed to have happened.
Anyway! This was an enjoyable experience. The combat was chaotic, yet easy and satisfying if you realized how to properly kite (and hold RMB). The general look and feel of the game was really cool. And I generally enjoyed the theme of the killing to show the route, albeit a liberal interpretation of the theme.
The hidden messages however... Oh boy. This is one of those situations where I want to say I like it, as everything was there for it to be awesome. But the execution was... pretty bad on a few levels.
As a fellow dev, it was clear to me that every little blood splurt was an object, and with 10 skellies killed, things got extremely laggy. I felt this was fairly unnecessary. I think one could've gone with particle effects for the large explosion, plus a few blots on the floor, and one larger pool (perhaps growing a bit over time) in the middle where they were killed. This would have drastically reduced lag and also increased readability with larger texts. Which reminds me. Some texts were just entirely obscured because of the tiles on the floor, and the blood splatters hiding under there.
In the end, I only ever managed to read the directional texts before being overcome with lag, which just made me sad.
The final boss was actually engaging, until he killed me with an attack I wasn't aware I was supposed to stop with a melee attack. This could've been avoided by prepping the player with different types of enemies that are immune/resistant to either the melee or ranged, and giving them some graphical identification that would be reflected on the boss (a particle effect and/or sound when a ranged attack hits but does nothing).
Pardon the wall of critique, I hope it wasn't too harsh. I genuinely did enjoy the game, and the more I enjoy these games, the more thorough I critique it, because I can see the potential.