I like it. The gravity could be a bit more forgiving though. Some of the jumps are sort of difficult, and seem to be very precise. A timer of some sorts would be nice. It should tell you how much you have left till you wake. You should tell the player how to run. I found myself thinking "this jump is impossible!!!" at first. Some coins to collect might be a nice to have also. Or, some way to increase time. I like being able to jump on the names on the credits. Reminds me of some of the newer Mario games. Some indication of where the teleportation things (???) lead would be helpful.
Great Job!
Thank you! :)
Yeah, I thought about making an easy mode with slightly altered physics, but as this game was made for a Game Jam within 7 days, I didn't have enough time to do that.
Maybe I'll make an update after the Jam is over.
As the timer is stopped at some points of the game, while dialog appears for example, this would be kind of tricky. I came up with a solution, but I had to change a lot of the timer logic for that. Sadly again, not enough spare time in 7 days.
I heard about the running thing a few times now, and I'm am really surprised by this. I thought this is so common in Game Boy games, that everybody would get that from the beginning. Seems I was wrong.
Collectables to increase time would be really cool. If I'd rewrite the timer logic the way I planned for the indicator, this would work easily as well. Thanks for the idea, I'll absolutely keep that in mind. If not for this game - definitely for the next one!
The portals have symbols inside that show you where you end up. But there are only 3 of 5 visible easily. That was a small issue I had with level design, mainly caused by the small screen size.
Thanks for all the input! :)