This is definitely a unique concept of a platformer, where you basically build your own level while doing resource management as the same time. Though the controls for picking up platforms dont feel intuitive. You need your character to be facing the platform to pick them up, and im not sure why the character moonwalks (bug?) so you have to move backwards from the platform to pick it up.
Since there is already an input using mouse to place platforms, you should be able to right click to pick up targeted platforms. There can also be an indicator that clamps from the character, showing the max range of where you can pick up platforms (and maybe only make it so that you can pick and place platforms while you are grounded so its still a puzzle game rather than being able to pick and spawn platforms between your jumps).
Theres also a bug where you can randomly super jump, which is both exploitable but also feelsbad when you die from fall damage from your own jump.