Hi, I'm playing ver 1.11 downloaded from itch.io and when Kelly wakes up in the morning I can't click anything in her room except for her cell phone. I have to click on her cell phone, the either try to open the photofap app or try to call someone who's highlighted, close the phone, and then I can leave the house/change clothes/any other clickable option in her room. Also, for some reason I'm unable to unlock any of the events at work except for the bonus pay event and the John peeping event. I've played the game online and I know there are one or two more events with John, and I should be able to change my work outfit to unbutton the top buttons. I'm also unable to get the Ashley wet t-shirt event. I'm done every other playable option in this game so I've just been going to lectures and to work every day hoping to unlock them but no luck so far.