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Great game! I love the cute art style, and that it was done without an engine (using OpenCL nonetheless). That said, it has quite a few minor flaws: 

1) From a design standpoint, it isn't immediately apparent what to do. A large part of my playtime was just wandering around the map, which gets kind of boring after a while. 

2) The "A" key doesn't seem to work

3) It's quite easy to fall off the edge

4) The decision to build without a game engine was a bold one, but forms both the strength and weakness of the game. Not being able to change the camera angle makes it really hard to progress in the level and see where the player is going, especially when the very first point they're supposed to visit is right on the far edge of the map. 

Technical nitpicks aside, good effort! Work on it a little more and you might even be able to build a Steam game :D

Thanks for the feedback!

It was don't with GODOT actually! I haven't tried to do that yet.

1) We are planning on adding stuff in the world to make it more interactive.

2) For the A key that's my bad (my keyboard is AZERTY) 

3)That's fixed xD

4)We're not sur how to tackle the camera situation yet but we get what you mean It can get a little jarring