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(1 edit) (+11)(-5)

I wrote my feedback inside but I don't know if it got sent or not... oh well I'll put it here too

What I liked:

-The human form is cute

-The dick is thick

-The animation feels nice

What I'd change slightly 

-Maybe make the dick a bit longer ( long and think is my weakness .///.)

-Start the game with a soft dick before getting touchy or make a reference to the burglar being into rope-play to explain his boner, (though getting people undress is sexy too so there is that as well)

-Give a bit more color to the nipples maybe?

Can't think of more, I like it and can't wait to see the ending! 

Oh, there could be 3 endings if possible

1. Neutral: the burglar goes to jail

2. Bad: you become the burglars cumdump and ATM

3. Good: you become boyfriends!

Alright, that's it this time!


Oh, I remembered something, the dialogue from the sweet spot could be less direct because he is supposed to resist a bit, for example, an inner dialogue like this "Fuck, he is going to get me hard!"  


Hehe I did get the feedback, thanks!