Game Tested and here are my thoughts;
-I like what you did with the "Launcher" pretty neat concept, reminded me of an RPG maker game called One Shot
-Though it was a neat concept, I had a bit of "sussy" feeling as I read the launcher, you might wanna change your phrasing there, so people won't hesitate in "clicking the power button on the PC"
-On that note, can you tell me how you did the "launcher" and the web version of the game?
-On the title screen, the cursor can still move after pressing the confirm button so the scene changes depending on the highlighted part of the options. Like if I pick "New Game" but quickly move the cursor to "Erase Data" the scene will change to erasing date scene rather than the new game. You might wanna stop the movement of the cursor after you press the confirm button.
-I like how the transition on the first enemy turns to "battle" its neat, I wished it was consistent. I suggest removing the random encounters all together and have all enemies present on screen so the FIRST ENEMY ENCOUNTER that was memorable sticks with the mechanics to the rest of the game.
-On that topic, the random encounter rate feels like too high and music should change to a battle theme to engage players into the fight.
-Enemies seem to have ridiculous amount of health, reduce it. For the first levels of the game make sure the player isn't immediately overwhelmed with "OP-ness".
-Even after dying in battles the player can still shoot, you may want that remove as to avoid game breaking bugs later on.
-On the topic of battles, Have a dedicated "dodge" button or "escape" option so players can have a chance if they're on the verge of loosing.
-You can also tweak your enemy AI so it's not just charging straight at the player. I understand if they can move diagonally, but have variety in patterns so it's NOT JUST RUN AND SHOOT.
-Screen moving, screen transitions and dialogue speeds are too slow. Increase their speed or have a button prompt to make it go faster. It's fine if you're aiming for a shorter game overall, but it'll be frustrating if it adds up as the gameplay last longer.
-Have a name tag on all NPCs at all times so player can know which character talks. It's kind of confusing trying to find which is which in the long run, trust me.
-Break the paragraphs into smaller pauses like have 2 lines of texts and have an option to "keep reading?" or something in the lines of that for longer dialogues or lore reading, so players can take a break.
-At the end of the level, where you "fall" on the water the player actor moves up? May I suggest move it up THEN down, to simulate falling? And have them falling DOWN the next scene too. [just a minor nitpick]