It occurs me to I've overlooked that mole.mole's Extended Challenges can be "nested" - that is:
- Make an Extended Challenge check that represents how many "acts" you need to complete a Mission. Follow the steps on "playing" to get the Mission's Danger & theme (Oracles 3 & 4.)
- Within an Act, make an Extended Challenge check that represents how many Scenes you need to complete that Act. Remember to use the guidance for determining the where, what, why, who, and how of a scene.
- Of course if within a Scene you determine you need another Extended Challenge you make another a check.
I found I needed a little more structure than just a single level of "Scenes" though to really resolve a Mission - Missions have "investigative phases", "conflict phases" as the sides start to come into opposition, and then "action phases" as the various threads start to resolve themselves. (Sometimes one might even flashback to the investigative stage to pick up more clues or information...)
Anyway, this was helpful for me to put a little more story structure over my sessions, hope it sparks some ideas with others as well.