Wow. Just wow, that's all I can really say to sum it up kinda. This game was incredible, absolutely my favorite of the jam, I spent so long trying to beat the final level and it was worth it for that ending for sure. Honestly I don'tr personally play horror games generally so this may just be me, but I legitimately was scared of the audio and everything for the first attempt at beating it. I was terrified when it showed up.
This game is a really nice, I guess sorta resource management. It splits your focus very well btween the game and the real world, while also at times giving you an almost an unwinnable situations that somehow you survive. Which is great, it really gives you that moment of relief when you managed to live through whatever it was.
Not to mention the level design in both the game and "real" life leading to some very distinct styles. Along with all the endless cues helping out with information in such a limited info environment. The screen going dark when the monsters near, the beeping going crazy when you're about to die in the game, which I assume goes off early enough for you to save it, I honestly never wanted to risk it so I never quite tested it.
Overall though this game was honestly a terrifying and incredibly fun experience to figure out. Obviously it did get repetitive after a few attempts since I just kept coming back because I wanted to make sure I had beat the game before I left a good ol' paragraph. But I still think it was worth it, and hey, I can get the speedrun record for this game. Get that top spot for however long it alsts lol.
One slight suggestion I would make is to lean a bit more into the audio, since currently there is a bit of, at least I would say an issue, with the fact that the "real" monsters presence is very easy to hear, feel and see through walls Which makes it a lot more difficulty to plan around. I feel like if the audio "carried" more along the paths it would help. Now to be fair, I'm not entirely sure how plausible that is, I've seen games use such systems for AI sound detection, but obviously that's a little different. I do think it would be a nice way to fix the weird times when the monster is right behind a wall neare you. Although it would remove some of the constant horror aspect of those situations so, obviously sort of up to preference.