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neat stuff; controls feel a bit unresponsive at times but and the physics are a bit floaty but I can see this being one of those "Easy to learn, hard to master" types of platformers.

for the love of god change the music though.


Yeah jump has gotta go or be beefed up and more control added in-air I think.

That floaty unresponsive feeling - would you say that's the case when swinging, running+jumping, or both?

>for the love of god change the music though.
But it came with the art assets, it's a perfect fit :^)

i'm mostly referring to running and jumping, but really i'm referring to the physics in general. i feel like if you made the gravity a bit heavier and the character a bit faster, it'd be a lot more fun.


Aye makes sense, I'll give it a go. Cheers for the feedback!
