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This... Is the best game i played in this gamejam. Its a shame that tis game dosnt have more ratings. If everything really made by ObaniGarage it is amazing. The effects are cool, the story are cool, the levels or better stages are cool. I love this game!


Wow, I didn't expect to get such positive feedbacks after the first quiet days... Thanks a lot! I put a lot of heart and time in making this game, I can't credit the person that helped me for the first day but it really helped a lot in making this game to have good basic gfx :)

Its just that the Grafics are awesome, the effects are really nice, the theme is really good related, its a little bit Brainf**k to get to the next stage and it makes fun. Most of the other games (like mine lel) dosnt have such a good theme realtion or grafics.