End of day 1!
I have a decent looking main menu screen (though probably need some weathering/damage on the spaceship):
And I have an ok-ish looking dock area and computer that the player can use to spawn in ships, dispose of salvage, etc. I realized too late that I have far fewer sci-fi tiles than I do fantasy so I spent too long today on pixel work and not enough on programming... Also the UI is a mess from the garbage left over from previous 7drls. I can't let myself get bogged down with polish work this early though, or I may fall behind making an actual.. you know... game.
The shop pops open a window with menu options which currently do nothing. Tomorrow I hope to fix that and start spawning in empty-boxes as spaceship stand-ins. Proc gen can come later in the week, but would be good to get salvageable junk items, and maybe wall destruction in too.