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Awesome, I think you're definitely on the right track with how you're taking the feedback. I too yell at the screen whenever someone playtests my game lol, its a part of the process. We spend so long on our own games that we develop an intuitive sense of how to play. But that means that we really play our own games very very differently from first time players, and that's where the disconnect lies. My biggest takeaway from gamedev is how much good games communicate and guide the player, which is really hard to do right. As you said, for your game you should try to guide the player a bit more. Try playing through tutorials of other professional games and studying what they do, how they do it. Mobile game tutorials are good too, there are certain patterns you can follow with pausing the physics and darkening the background until a player does the correct action, etc.

Keep it up and keep following the fun like you said. Telescopic downroping and more levels that focus on specifics of the mechanic could be really fun. Would love to see more of this