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Hi there, I want to rate your game, but I'm not sure which files to download, can you help?

well if you want to play on Windows I would suggest downloading Win, if you’re on OSX download that one and if you are on Linux than check if you are on x64 or arm and download the corresponding one

You can also download the framework dependent one but then you also need the .Net framework stuff

Ok, thanks. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah, looking at the console messages, I figured out a way to play this. Download the Win version (or whatever your OS is) and the "frameworkdependent" version. Then copy the resources folder from the latter to the former, and run the Win version...

Still, I don't quite get the gameplay, what the mechanics behind the fighting are... (I understood the scoring.)

Nevertheless: it's cool that this is using raylib!

Ok, thanks, I just tried to run it and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't run. Along the same topic, a word of caution: if you decide to play Forgotten Sanctuary, you can't make the game close unless you restart your machine.