Well definitely an interesting setup. I had quite a time trying to trick Hoodunit and a bit of weirdness trying to trick Rea, but an interesting game overall with some nice storylines to find. Hoodunit is definitely the roadblock avoiding the 5/5. Assuming it's possible.
Otherwise though I do have to say some of the questions felt a little tricky. For example Doily and his fathers response to whether he was jealous or not ending one essentially the same note, but one failing, and one winning etc. Though that does sort of come with the territory of these games. Since you're not picking every single line throughout obviously. Gotta have a bit of a story. I just feel like it was a bit of a 180 there.
There does seem to be some legitimate info though which is interesting. At least assuming Hoodunit is a reference to an existing person,m, maybe. Otherwise though there's some interesting character specific reactions for sure which is nice and quite a few little tricks throughout, mainly from Hoodunit, and a bit from the reporter.
Overall, an interesting experience that has me wondering what other storylines I can uncover and info I can discover about the people in the game. So in my opinion a well done game.