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I see that on the games itch page you said you weren't able to finish the project, but what you did make is an interesting concept with some well executed tricks. The graphics work well for a game like this, although they created some pretty bad lag that I assume is related to the lighting. As I played through the game I liked how you used the visual tricks to make the world loop or change in strange ways. It really fits the liminal space things and the theme of the jam well. The environments themselves were quite simple with only a few different assets, but for a game like this that isn't always a bad thing. Lastly there are only a few sound effects, but the ones that are in the game fit.

Aside from fixing the lag, the first thing I would recommend adding/ changing is some more guidance. At the moment there is really no way for the player to know what they should be doing, and there isn't a lot of feedback for when I am doing the right thing. In addition, I think the main menu could be cleaned up a bit and have some art added.

I'm sure many of the things I listed would have been fixed with more time, but overall getting anything finished is still an accomplishment to be proud of.