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". . .After what happened-?.. Sun, I'm-sorry but your, not going to the woods, not for a while-"


"...Sorry, hun..-"

"B-b-but n-nothing h-happened! M-M-Mirio i-i-isn't dangerous-"

The room, became dead, silent. Everyone just stared at him, wide eyed. .....Whoops.


He shrank back, eyes widening as he realizes what he said 

"I-I-I'm sorry...I-I-" 

"...Who is Mirio, Sun.. Who's Mirio-!?"

Kirishima didddd kinda-have to pull Nejire back into her seat-, since, you know. Angy-


He squeaked and ducked his head, hands shaking slightly 

K: "N-Nejire, calm down!!"

D: He tried his best to speak softly "I-I-I-It's ok Sun...just-tell us who he is...." 

Nejire shook her head slightly, before slowly sitting back down. Rubbing the side of her head as she let out a slight huff........Ooof course, even 'she' didn't want to make him more nervous, so you know, speaking-slightly soft- l>

"...Who is he, Sun-Is he the one that kept in the forest..-?"

"Y-Yes....b-b-but h-he didn't k-keep me there!"