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(4 edits) (+2)

Oh man, this game gave me flashbacks to my own past...  

Although I'm not the same ethnicity as the protagonist, it's surreal to relive some of the exact same dialogue--in the exact same tone--that I've said to my own immigrant parents when it came to school, mental health, & sexuality/gender identity.    

Dealing with a language barrier and a cultural/education-level gap is a pain when trying to explain/defend things that matter a lot to you.

It's both a blessing and a curse that somebody can love you so much, but still not completely understand/accept you. But in turn, you still love them anyway even though you can't completely understand them at times.

Now, I've learnt respect my parents' limits/circumstances (eg. lack of education) while still standing up for myself as needed; and, to find others who can understand those aspects of me that I cherish.   

But yeah, thanks for making this game - it was pretty cathartic. Hope you make more psychological/thoughtful games like these!