The graphics are great. The art is beautiful and the animations smooth and nice! The music is also very good! Great work! The system for playing, including the UI and turn control, works well so good work with that too! Some feedback for further developement (though I realise you could not have time to do everything with such a tight deadline):
- Sound effects on attacks and UI would help a lot to make me understand what is happening. I think I ended my turn several times in a row in the beginning because I just didn't think the button did anything. The attacksw would feel much more satisfying as well!
- The font size of the UI was way too small on my screen.
- I didn't see any info on what new effects the new runes I could select had. I just picked one at random, which removed a lot of my agency. The ones I picked didn't feel useful at all (double damage but half the amount on myself plus damage raised to the power of status effects on the enemy (since I couldn't inflict any status effects)). This meant I just played the whole game using basic attack and defend.
- Also I could do nothing about the enemies status effect attacks (peprhaps other runes could protect, but I didn't get them?).
- I never understood what it meant when I could choose between squares with no 1-3 on them. How did that affect anything?
Basically - make everything clearer to the user and allow more options and informed decisions for increased sense of agency! The art, music and game cycle is already there!