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Thats a lovely plane! Haha did the instability help the design?
Hopefully I'll get some time to update this project soon with some new mechanics and some balancing changes.

Any feedback or feature ideas are always helpful :)

thanks! yup, after the u turn it wanted to crash but the uneven design made it spiral, thus making it miss the ground for most of a kilometer. 

as for suggestions/bugs

-is it possible to make the parts resizeable(nothing drastic, i just want two cubes to fit one fuselage)

-45 degree angle rotation, got to make those x-wings and prove they can't fly

-i got the uneven design idea because i had an unattached fin that was too close to the plane and it counted as part of the model. the sim showed the plane spiraling with the fin unattached but connected by a blue line to the wing about half a wing length away(that bug got me 750 meters)

-make both left and right shift let you zoom, unless you got plans for right shift, like holding right shift "locks"  a dimension like left and right so the part only goes up and down