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I'm only 10 minutes in and I love the artstyle and creepy feel! Your character is also cute and I like the animations. Here's what I don't like
1) the camera is very weird. It's moving everywhere then recenters with some delay, makes me feel nauseous so I try not to touch it a lot.
2) I'm not sure what the controls are and I had to try everything on my keyboard to find how to interact with stuff (f), your page says "controls are on the poster" but I didn't see any posters and even if I did,I wouldn't know how to interact with them.
3) When talking to someone, I wish the same button to talk to them would make the text follow, I find it weird that to see next text it's the jump button
Good job!
I also found a bug(?) where you can walk on walls if there's a slope on the ground

I played it a little more, i see that the tutorial is in the house, weird that we start in the dream world, anyway found another bug, when you're in fps mode, click LMB to attack then get out of FPS mode, your character model will vanish until the attack animation is done

There is a plot reason why you start in the Dreamloop world, but I didn't have time to add the dialogue that explains it. Honestly, the more I think about it, starting at the hub house does make a bit more sense. The player shouldn't be able to attack in first person mode at all, so I appreciate you finding that bug.

Your feedback is extremely valuable because I'm playtesting, lol. Anyway, thanks again for trying it out!

First of all, thanks for trying it out! I hate excuses, but I rushed this update out to meet a jam deadline and it kinda shows.

1. It's supposed to move slow in the Dreamloop world, but I seriously hate it too, lol. I'll fix that by adding some motion blur. You should be able to adjust the damping in the start menu settings.

2. I forgot to add a controls poster in the Dreamloop world! Very sorry about that.

3. I totally agree and it's something I'm currently working on. I'm planning on uploading a mini-update in a couple of days.

Nice catch! I'll fix that too, lol.