Mi amorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-
Como te amoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-con todo de mi corazonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-
So, at lunch today we were gonna take a group photo cause like-we needed one and then we first took one, and we were all like: "Let's retake it!" Now I have no clue if someone heard us but a bunch of people start running up to us, tryna get in the photo-and we were getting shoved around and shit like that and I have an arm around Delilah, and when everyone was in the frame of the photo, (there was like 20 people-) I screamed: "ALL ON 1, WE SCREAM GANGNAM STYLE!!" So I started counting down, and IT WAS SO FUCKING LOUD-And we took the photo, and right after it I hear someone scream: "OW MY BALLS!!" And everyone started laughing of course, so when we were all started separating, Ivan starts shoving Aaron and Jahari, making like-a wave of all of us-and then Ivan falls on Robert, then Robert falls on Daniel, and Daniel falls on Jahari-ANYWAYS SO WHEN WE WENT INSIDE WE SHOWED MRS. CLAIBORNE AS SHE SAID: "....Do you guys want me to put this in the yearbook?" AND OF COURSE WE ALL SAID YES-So-yeah.
BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY DUDE-but like people fall every single lunch day 'cause of that shit.
But yeah-thats-a regular lunch at my school. :)