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Hello, very nice assets, i purchased some time ago, :)

But i saw that on Steam was published 2 days ago (10-03-2022) one game that uses all your asset pack. I try contact with you in private to said to you but was impossible found your contact details except here.

I don´t know if your license allow make it without give any credits or something, if i make a mistake sorry but i think i need said to you this. 


Hi drdevel0per,

Thank you for contacting me, I have checked the game just now on Steam and sadly the dev didn't credit my name, instead by using other name. It's true the license said that it is allowed to use in personal or commercial projects but I forgot to mention about credibility using my name in any projects. I guess this is entirely my fault, I will write a better license document next time. This is very helpful and learning experience, thank you so much for sharing this information drdevel0per and supported me by purchasing the asset pack.

I will upload a new asset pack soon and still working on the product page design, so stay tuned!