Neat concept that fits well with the theme, but the overall content is a bit barebones. I think it would be nice to mark which doors are locked visually since it's annoying to keep having to check every single one of them (before the police started spawning at the locked doors, at least) just to progress. There also isn't really much to do besides that, other than interacting with the nurses who give you hints (which was a nice touch, by the way!). Adding some puzzles, obstacles, or whatever else you want would be cool if you wanted to exapnd on this idea further, and given the style you could probably try to borrow ideas from games like the original Legend of Zelda or, if you wanted a more modern example, Undermine.
Great job on the art assets though, they're a bit awkward at the moment but you're well on your way to refining your craft in that field for future projects =)